Paycury is a regulated entity. Continue reading to find specification information about which licenses we hold and where exactly we hold them.
Paycury LLC, a limited liability company registered in Wyoming, with its principal office at 1621 Central Ave, Cheyenne, WY 82001, United States of America, is registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) as a Money Service Business for the purpose of foreign exchange dealing and money transmission.
Paycury LLC does not currently hold state level registration and/or licensing for the provision of money transmission and/or foreign exchange dealing.
Paycury Ltd. is in the process of requesting a license from its respective central bank to operate as an Authorized Payment Institution in the European Union.
In the interim, services related to the provision of payment services and issuance of electronic money, if applicable, are provided by Paycury LLC's authorized third-party partner(s) in the European Union.